What is Melanoma?


What is melanoma? 

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can potentially become metastatic and cause serious health complications. It is caused by uncontrolled growth of cells that produce pigment, called melanin.  Melanoma can arise suddenly or could come from a pre-existing mole. The incidence of melanoma is on the rise and has doubled in the United States since the late 1980s. 

What are the symptoms of a melanoma? 

It can be difficult to tell if a spot on your skin is a normal mole or a skin cancer. Melanomas usually begin as smaller, dark spots that have no symptoms. Over time, they may grow, change, or develop symptoms such as pain or bleeding. Melanoma can develop anywhere on the body, including the eye. Any new suspicious growth should be evaluated by a dermatologist. 

What does melanoma look like? 

Melanoma can occur anywhere on the body and take on many different forms. A general rule to follow at home if you see a new spot on your skin is the ABCDE rule, which stands for

  • A = ASYMMETRY (each side is not the same)
  • B = BORDER
  • C = COLOR
  • D = DIAMETER (size)
  • E – EVOLVING (any spot that is changing)

What are the risk factors for developing a melanoma? 

  • Age (higher incidence as age increases) 
  • Personal history of melanoma
  • Personal history of nonmelanoma skin cancer (ie basal cell or squamous cell)
  • High number of moles (more than 50)
  • Personal history of dysplastic (or atypical) moles
  • Family history of melanoma (in first degree relative)
  • History of tanning bed use or blistering sunburns

What can you do to prevent melanoma? 

One of the biggest risks for all types of skin cancer, including melanoma, is UV exposure. Here are a few ways you can decrease UV exposure: 

  • Find shade, especially during peak daylight hours
  • Wear sun-protective clothing (long-sleeved shirt, wide-brimmed hats)
  • Apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply
  • Avoid tanning beds
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