Botox – Upper Face

Every day we form thousands of facial expressions that when repeated overtime can cause the skin to draw into folds called dynamic wrinkles. If there is a facial expression that you make often (like frowning, smiling, squinting or furrowing your eyebrows), you may be more likely to get frown lines. Botox injections can be used to treat various areas on the face to achieve natural looking results. When injected into precise points, botulinum toxin injections can relax the facial muscles, smoothing skin out and visibly soften lines and wrinkles.

What areas in the upper face can you treat with Botox?

Some of the most common areas that we can correct with Botox are:

  • Crow’s feet

  • Frown lines

  • Forehead wrinkles (horizontal forehead lines)

  • Expression lines

  • Facial wrinkles

At our medical spas, our board certified dermatologist can help you achieve your cosmetic goals in just one or a few treatment sessions.

What are the benefits of botox?

Along with repeated facial expressions, overtime as we age, our skin loses elasticity as well. Once again, this can cause facial lines and wrinkles on our skin. Some of the benefits of a botulinum toxin injection are: quick treatments, no down-time-you may return to work and other activities right away, results last several months, and minimal discomfort.

If you are younger, you can also prevent forehead wrinkles by properly placing botox into the face.

How does it work?

Botox prevents the nerve signals from interacting with the muscle resulting in reduction of muscle activity. Typically, acetylcholine is released from nerves and is the signal that causes contraction of the muscle. Botox cleaves the SNAP-25 protein that is required for acetylcholine to interact with the muscle.

Since it is a toxin, is it harmful?

Botox has been used as a therapeutic agent since the late 1970s and has been shown to be remarkably safe. Weakness of muscles distant to the injection sites have not been reported. In the 20 years of experience in treating patients with this agent, there have been no reports of generalized weakness.

Although pregnant and lactating patients have been treated, there is lack of established data in this population.

How much does botox cost?

Since this is a personalized treatment, the cost of cosmetic botulinum toxin injections can vary based on patient desires. Our trained cosmetic team will present you with a detailed quote for services at the time of your cosmetic consultation. The cost of your cosmetic consultation is always used towards your botulinum toxin treatment with us.

When will I see the results?

The appearance of the lines will continue to improve over a 2 week period. At 2 weeks, the Botox will have reached its maximum effect.

How long will the results of Botox last?

The results can last anywhere from 3-6 months. Everyone is different so we cannot give an exact duration. In fact, some people have told us their lines stayed improved for up to 8 months. This is more likely to occur after repeated treatments with Botox. Also, after repeated treatments, it is possible that you may notice a resolution of creases in the skin, in the area of the Botox injections.

Some people can develop antibodies to Botox which prevents Botox from being effective.

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