
When we think about aging and how it changes the face, we must acknowledge the effect that time and gravity have on the skin, the connective tissue, muscle, collagen, elastin and bone structure. Over time, our skin loses volume and moisture levels decrease. Collagen and elastin begin to deplete which leads to the typical signs of aging that we are familiar with – fine lines, wrinkles, drooping lids, hollows in the mid-face area, etc.

Factors of the Aging Process

It’s easy to understand by looking around at other people that everyone ages differently, which makes aging a totally unique process to the individual. It is why it may seem impossible to guess someone’s age purely by looking at them. Some people suggest that you can tell how someone may age based on how their parents look, however, that is not always the case. Many factors play a role in the way someone’s face ages such as overall health, diet, exposure to UV rays, skin care, genetics, to name a few.

Prevention and Slowing the Aging Process

Protecting your skin from the sun is the first, and most important line of defense against aging. Exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can have a dramatic effect on the skin over time. Excessive tanning can cause our skin to age prematurely. The skin becomes leathery and form wrinkles and brown spots known as photoaging. Additionally, it puts us at risk for various forms of skin cancer such as basal and squamous cell carcinomas and melanoma. Incorporating a broad-spectrum SPF into your daily skincare regimen can help protect your skin from damaging UV rays and prevent premature signs of aging.

While some believe that an aging face is a representation of a life well lived, wisdom and an earned right not to care about one’s appearance anymore, not everyone wants to embrace this philosophy so quickly. As we mentioned before, aging begins at different ages and progresses differently based on the individual so it is important to talk to your provider about what procedures could work best to meet your individual aesthetic. During a consultation, your provider will be able to tailor a treatment plan based on your individual goals.


Lasers – Can target and reduce brown spots, sun damage and improve overall skin laxity and texture for a more youthful look.

Botox – Derived from Botulinum Toxin, freezes the muscles in your face to further prevent dynamic, or animation wrinkles, from forming.

Fillers – Can fill in fine lines and wrinkles and add volume to the mid-face region to give skin a more supple appearance.

If you would like to discuss treatment options with one of our providers, visit our website to contact a location near you! Staying at home? No problem, we offer Virtual Visits for cosmetic consults!

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